Promoting Noble To Your Prospects

Jason Widup
May 10, 2024
Getting More Eyeballs on Noble

B2B buyers are tired of the same offers: get a demo, sign up for a webinar, get $100... Noble is something buyers haven't seen before and can be a powerful way for you to generate top of funnel demand. However, because it's such a new technology, buyers aren't yet familiar with it. Below are some example emails you can send to your prospects to offer them a new experience, and educate them on what Noble is and how to get the most from it.

Emails Focused On Your Product

These emails can be directed to prospects who are already problem aware, but may not be aware of your solution.

Subject Line examples:

  • See who you know that uses [product name]
  • Find out which [product name] customers you already know
  • [first name], see which [product name] customers you know
  • [first name]’s friends who already use [product name]

Body Copy v1:

Hi [first name]! I wanted to tell you about a new experience we’re launching on our website that can show you who you know that uses our product, so that you can have an honest conversation with them about their experience using [product name]. Talk about transparency!

We’ve partnered with Noble for this experience, and you can use their platform right on our website. Click here and look for their widget/banner on our site to get started.

[image of Noble on your website]

We’re excited to offer this new service to folks like you because we understand the importance of word of mouth as you’re researching new platforms.

Let me know if you have any questions.



Body Copy v2:

Hey [first name]. You’re probably tired of hearing from vendors like us about our platforms. Of course we think we’re great and that you’re the perfect fit. 

But if we’re honest, you’d rather listen to people you know and trust who are already using a platform you’re interested in.

That’s why we’ve recently partnered with Noble, a new 3rd party service that can show you who you know that uses our product so that you can have an honest conversation with them about their experience using [product name]. 

It’s easy to get started - click here and look for their widget/banner on our site. And in just a few minutes you’ll see which of our customers you’re already connected to.

[image of Noble on your website]

Let me know if you have any questions!



Emails Focused On The Problem

These emails can be directed to prospects who may not even be problem aware yet and are trying to learn more about it. Sure, Noble is only going to show them who they know that uses your product, but the assumption is your customers did their homework about the problem you solve before purchasing your product, so it is still relevant to your prospects.

Subject Line examples:

  • See who you know that’s figured out [problem your product solves]
  • [first name]’s friends that understand [software category]
    • For example: “buyer intent platforms”
  • See your connections who’ve solved [problem your product solves]

Body Copy v1:

Hey [first name]. You shouldn’t have to trust vendors like us when you’re trying to figure out the best way to solve [problem your product solves]. You want to talk to someone you already know and trust who has. 

That’s why we’ve recently partnered with Noble, a new 3rd party service that can show you who you know that’s solved this problem so that you can have an honest conversation with them about it.

It’s easy to get started - click here [send them to your product's page on Noble's website] to head to Noble’s site, and in just a few minutes you’ll see which of your connections have already researched and solved [problem your product solves].

Let me know if you have any questions!



Body Copy v2:

Hi [first name], I wanted to tell you about a new service that you can use to see who you already know that’s figured out how to solve the pain of [problem statement]. 

The company is Noble, and in just a few clicks you can see who you’re connected to that knows about this problem and can give you first hand information on how they solved it. It’s pretty cool.

It’s easy to get started - click here [send them to your product's page on Noble's website] to head to Noble’s site, and in just a few minutes you’ll see which of your connections have already researched and solved [problem your product solves].

Let me know if you have any questions!



Final Thoughts

B2B buyers want to talk to people they know and trust before making a purchasing decision. You can now get out in front of that and offer them something new (Noble) that is actually helpful to them in their process. And these emails are one of many ways to get Noble in front of them. For more interesting ways you can use Noble, check out our Inspiration Guide.