Noble Implementation Guide

Jason Widup
March 20, 2024

Noble’s goal is to use word of mouth to increase and accelerate sales. The more prospects that see/use Noble, the more you will get out of it. 

This implementation guide will help you enable the Noble widget across your website. It provides the basic Noble script, plus variations to the script that will allow you to place the widget exactly where you want on the pages across your website where you’d like to provide the Noble experience to your prospects. Please read the guide in-full before beginning implementation.


This is the basic Noble script template. If you use this template, it will place the widget on the upper right side of the page, roughly 120 pixels from the top (to account for your top navigation bar). There's code in the script to ensure that the widget does not display on mobile devices (we are working on a mobile-friendly version). The <iframe> script is what displays the Noble widget.

<script src=""></script>
          @media (max-width: 640px) {
            #nobleIframe {
              display: none;

          #nobleIframe {
            position: fixed;
            left: 0px;
            bottom: 0px;
            z-index: 2147483647 !important;
        <iframe src="[your_tenant_id] frameborder=0

You’ll replace [your_tenant_id] with the tenant ID provided to you - this is specific to your company and is a long alphanumeric string.


Changing the position from the left side to the right (while remaining at the top of the page)

Change the left: 0px; argument to right: 0px;

  • If you want to add more or less padding, you can add pixels. For example, to push the widget further towards the middle of the page, add pixels (i.e. change left: 0px; to left: 50px; (or right: 0px; to left: 0px;) and play with the value to get it exactly where you want)

If you want the widget to nest further up or down the page, modify the top: 120px; argument. To move it up the page, reduce the pixels (i.e. top: 100px;). To push it down the page, add pixels (i.e. top: 160px;). You can also use negative numbers in these arguments to reduce padding even further.

If you move the widget to the right side of the page, you’ll also want to change the arrow direction of it to correspond with the side of the page its on. To do this, you’ll add the widget-position query string parameter to the end of the widget URL in the script. For example:


Changing the position from the top of the page to the bottom

Change the top: 120px; to bottom: 0px;

  • If you want to add more or less padding, you can add pixels. For example, to push the widget further up the page, add pixels (i.e. change bottom: 0px; to bottom 20px;). Negative pixels are not advised for this argument; however, if at 0px it’s not as far towards the bottom of the page as you’d like, you can try negative pixels.
  • The widget will automatically expand in the appropriate direction based on the use of “top” vs “bottom”: if you are using “top” to control the widget position, it will expand downwards, and if you are using “bottom” it will expand upwards.

Adjusting the browser widths for when Noble is displayed

  • In the first <script> there is an argument for the browser width (max-width: 640px). This setting will only show Noble if the browser width is >640px. You can adjust this setting and allow Noble on wider screens.
  • Our default is 640px as this will hide it on most phones, even in landscape mode, and should show on most browser widths.
  • You can play with this setting by increasing or decreasing the 640px value.

Table of variables and values:

tenant-id Value in the <iframe> code that denotes your specific instance of Noble. Alpha-numeric string we’ll send you.
right: Xpx Value in <iframe> code that places the widget on the right side of the screen Change X to a positive or negative whole number to adjust padding
left: Xpx Value in <iframe> code that places the widget on the left side of the screen Change X to a positive or negative whole number to adjust padding
top: Xpx Value in <iframe> code that places the widget on the top of the screen Change X to a positive or negative whole number to adjust padding. Additionally, the widget will expand downwards.
bottom: Xpx Value in <iframe> code that places the widget on the bottom of the screen Change X to a positive or negative whole number to adjust padding. Additionally, the widget will expand upwards.
widget-position Query string parameter added to Noble URL in <iframe> code that will adjust the arrow of the widget to point in towards the middle of the screen The default value is left and code is not needed for this.
max-width=Xpx Value to adjust the browser widths where Noble will be shown (to avoid showing on mobile until we have a mobile solution) Default value is 640px. Change X to a positive number to change the browser widths where Noble is shown.


The Noble widget can be implemented directly on page or via a tag manager like Google Tag Manager. To implement using GTM, use these instructions:

  1. In your Workspace, go to Tags > New
  2. Name the tag “Noble Script”
  3. Click Tag Configuration and select Custom HTML
  4. Paste in the script elements (from above) that you want to use. Remember to add the script element to hide on mobile (until we have a solution for mobile devices).
  5. Click on Triggering
  6. Select All Pages
    • If you want to only show Noble on certain pages or in certain circumstances, create a custom trigger and use that. If you need help with this, reach out to us on Slack.
  7. Save the Tag and Submit the changes (or preview them if you’d like first)
  8. Best practice is to implement Noble on a single, live, page that gets low traffic in order to ensure the placement is exactly how you want it and test it. Then update the trigger to All Pages or the subset of pages you want Noble to be live on.


If you don’t use a tag manager, you can easily implement Noble across your site or on specific pages. Use the same scripts and variables mentioned above, and add them just after the opening <head> tag. Alternatively, if you’re using a CMS like Webflow with custom script settings, it’s ok to have the Noble script just before the closing </head> tag.


As mentioned above in the Google Tag Manager settings, it’s important to test Noble on a live page or two before pushing it across your site. Here are some recommendations.

  • Use a tag manager or CMS to implement Noble on a live page with low traffic for testing both the functionality of the widget, as well as the placement.
    • If you have multiple different types of headers or footers or templates across your site, be sure to test the Noble placement across all of them before implementing broadly. You can also use a tag manager to do different placements for different page templates.
  • Have several internal people try the widget flow so they can see the results and how it works. This will be helpful if you ask prospects to use it or if prospects have questions about it.


In order to maximize exposure of Noble and give your prospects the best chance for an impactful word of mouth conversation with a happy customer they know, put Noble across as many pages as possible. Most Noble customers are placing it across their entire website. Those who don’t, often use Noble on key buying pages such as:

  • Pricing
  • Solutions/Product pages
  • Conversion Thank You pages (i.e. demo request, content gates, registrations)
  • Case Study pages
  • Low funnel content pages

There are other ways to direct prospects to the Noble experience on your website as well:

  • Implement the Noble Sales experience to have a custom URL to send prospects to (ask us about this if you’re not using it yet).
  • Once a sales rep or SDR has a connection with a prospect via email/LinkedIn, offer the Noble experience to them before or after a demo request. Prospects are getting tired of the same old offers like content, events, demos, etc. - give them something new that will help drive them lower into the funnel.

Getting Help

We’re always here to help and just a Slack message or email away. If you have any questions about this guide, or how to implement Noble in a more custom way, don’t hesitate to message us in Slack or send an email to We’ll reply usually within a few business hours - no longer than 1 business day.