Noble Conversion Tracking Setup Guide

Jason Widup
August 5, 2024

Good news! Conversion tracking for website visitors who’ve used Noble on your website is here!

This means you’ll be able to track the number of users who’ve used Noble on your website that went on to: book a demo, start a free trial, whatever conversion you want to track.

Right now it’s “conversion” singular because that’s where we’re starting - being able to track a single conversion on your website. So it’s recommended tracking the single metric that matters to your business. Down the road you’ll be able to track multiple conversions, pipe the data into your CRM, it’s on our product roadmap.

The Script

We’ll Slack you your conversion tag that’s specific to your Noble tenant ID. 

The conversion tracking script looks something very similar to

and it functions like every other conversion tracking script you’re using on any other platform. 

Again, down the road we’ll have the ability for you to decide on the conversion window but for the time being, we’ve set it to a 30 day conversion window. The thought here being that early Noble data indicates we’re seeing website visitors use Noble and then convert 5-14 days on average, after using Noble. So a standard 30 day conversion window captures the right data without over-attributing Noble’s actions to your pipeline.

The Set up

The actual conversion setup is going to be exactly how you setup conversion tracking for everything else!

It’s recommended using Google Tag Manager for implementation but you can also have the script load in the <head> section of a Thank You Page, a signup page, or any other page where you’re tracking conversions. 

For the Google Tag Manager setup the steps are:

1. Open a new tag

2. Choose Custom HTML as the tag type

3. Copy and paste your Noble Conversion Tracking script into Tag Manager

4. For the tag trigger, you can use whatever trigger you already have set up for tracking conversions - whether that’s a thank you page page view, form submission event, or anything else.

5. Name it whatever your Tag Manager naming convention tells you to! If you don’t have one, we recommend Tag Name | Trigger as your tag naming convention

6. Save your tag

7. Make sure to test whatever your trigger is in GTM to make sure your tag fires when you meant for it to trigger

8. Hit Submit

9. Hit Publish

You’re done! Noble Conversion Tracking set up.

Conversion Reporting

Your weekly reporting will now include:

  • The total amount of Noble conversions 
  • The % of your total conversions that used Noble (i.e. 10 demo page conversions, 8 of them used Noble, 80% of your weekly conversions used Noble)
  • Which companies that entered your pipeline was a Noble conversion 

So now you can prove how well Noble is working to directly drive pipeline! And allows you to track pipeline velocity among other metrics of website visitors that used Noble compared to ones that didn’t.